Our Collective Purpose

We came here, at this time, for a very important, dare I say mission critical, reason. Your life is not a mistake. Even if the circumstances of your birth were. Whether you were chosen or were told you happened by accident, or even as a result of violent trauma, you are here for a very specific purpose. And even the nature of your conception and birth serves that.

We came here, at this time, for a very important, dare I say mission critical, reason. Your life is not a mistake. Even if the circumstances of your birth were. Whether you were chosen or were told you happened by accident, or even as a result of violent trauma, you are here for a very specific purpose. And even the nature of your conception and birth serves that.

I imagine you are reading this because you are now ready to discover that reason. If you aren’t, then what I am about to say may seem very strange, even off-putting, or blasphemous to core beliefs you hold dear. Welcome. Even then, it’s not a mistake you are reading this now.

You are in the right place. You always have been.

You came here now because you are a key piece of the evolutionary puzzle. Your life is with purpose and full of meaning.

Even if you haven’t known what that is or how to live into it.

Your purpose is to evolve your soul and pass on that evolution to the next generation.

We are evolutionary beings.

We’ve been evolving since the beginning of our explosion into existence, and we aren’t stopping now.

The questions to ask are:

  • what are we evolving into, and
  • do you have the power to influence that.

Yes, you do. You have great power to influence it. If you wake up. And, I hope you will say yes to stepping into this power, now.

Because one aspect of being a conscious being is that we get to shape the future of evolution, rather than just letting it happen to us.

If you choose to recognize your power, you will come to see that you are a key player in the next stage of the great evolution that’s happening as we make a species-level shift from a “survival of the fittest” control and domination world paradigm (based in the mind) into a paradigm that is emerging from the collective heart and solar plexus.

Can you feel your heart now? How about your center?

Chances are you’ve got some numbness there. Or maybe you feel so much that you need to medicate it with pharmaceuticals or marijuana or alcohol.

Whichever side of the spectrum you are on, it’s normal. We’re still healing from a world not too far in the past in which we cut off each other’s heads in our quests for control and domination.

It makes sense that your heart and soul would be scared. Mine are.

Any and all parts of you that think you do not matter, or that you can just give up, will come alive upon seeing that you DO matter.

Each breath, each choice, each moment of your life is meaningful. Because it is how you choose to live in each present moment second now that impacts the future. And, the past.

Our collective purpose, if you choose to awaken to it, is to make the unseen seen and transform those parts of ourselves that have been deeply hidden in shadow and shame and fear, by bringing them into the light.

The anger, the rage, the numbness, the callousness, the coldness … do you see where it lives within you? Do you know where it comes from? Are you ready for it to take its rightful place n the history of your life so you can live into an entirely new collective future … of love?

Our collective purpose is to see what’s happening in the world, rooted in conflict, hate, competition, fear and control as living within each of us, and heal the parts of ourselves that perpetuate that old paradigm so that we can collectively create and live into the new alternative systems that make it so the old systems that are crumbling are no longer needed.

We cannot fix anything out there, until we heal what’s in here.

You know this is why you are here. At least some part of you knows that. Maybe reading these words is like a remembering. Can you hear the call?

And, if you are scared, you are right to be. Because to do the healing work that is necessary to evolve your soul, you will be required to face your deepest fears, the fears and conditioning that have been unintentionally and unknowingly passed down for millennia, and that keep you from your power, your voice, your presence and your peace.

From your scared place, you may deny my words. You may push them away. You may even turn and try to work against me, calling me names, cursing my words, or railing against the freedom I offer you.

It’s okay. I will not force you into seeing, and instead trust that when you are ready, you will open your heart and open your eyes, and not a moment sooner. It’s okay.

When you are ready, we will be here, waiting for you with open heart and open arms.


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