A Portfolio of Brands Dedicated to Financial Liberation
via Empowered Individuals, Families & Businesses.
Eyes Wide Open Collective is a portfolio of legal and financial education companies that exist to bring heart-centered humans into right alignment with their time, money and relationships.
We believe heart-centered humans making eyes wide open
choices around the use of their resources will
shift the trajectory of our ability to thrive on Earth.
Our Quadruple Bottom-Line Philosophy
We are nothing without the hands, heart and minds of the people we collaborate with and serve.
We are Earthkeepers, in service to Mother Nature and guardians of Her legacy.
We are here to actively participate in creating the more beautiful world our heart's know is possible.
Profit is the fuel to create more and share the wealth of what we create together.
Our Vision
We stand for a world where humans are able to put their minds in service to their hearts,
and wake up to the truth around just how impactful we can be when
we stop compromising for money, once and for all.
Our Brands
Ali is the visionary CEO and Founder of the Eyes Wide Open Collective, and its portfolio of aligned companies.
She is also a family, financial and legal expert who serves as a private advisor for families, business owners, and inheritors of family wealth. As a trusted advisor, Ali supports her clients to make eyes wide open legal, insurance, financial and tax decisions in alignment with their values.
Ali's genius when working with families is to bridge between the generations, as well as between the practical and spiritual aspects of Life & Legacy.