It makes sense if you are worried, and worry won’t put you in the position you need to be in to not only survive the economic shifts, but to thrive throughout the changes.
Me telling to stop worrying isn’t the answer either, so instead what I’d like to do is support you to take that worry and convert it into the energy that will direct your attention to where it needs to go — with your eyes wide open.
Yes, the economy is changing. We can all see it.
And, as a result of these changes, some will thrive, others won’t.
You can be on the side of thriving.
But to do that, you really need to not freak out, and convert the worry into right focused energy and action.
It’s time to reclaim your most valuable resources — time, energy, and attention — and put them where it matters most right now.
You must take back what you’ve been freely given away.
Your time, energy and attention are everything.
I know in a world of overnight Amazon shipments (or even same day) and Netflix, the big companies have led you to believe your time, energy and attention aren’t worth much.
Consume, consume, consume …. gobble, gobble, gobble.
But, you aren’t a turkey. You are a human being with a massive ability to create in the world.
If you reclaim your time, energy and attention.
Your worry about money or your focus on losses or past failures is costing you way too much.
You can always make more money. Especially if you learn from the past.
And, as you can see during these inflationary times, money is becoming less and less valuable.
And, yes, you’ll need more and more money to enjoy the same lifestyle you have in the past, but you won’t be able to get more and more of it by keeping your thinking, and your use of time, energy and attention the way you have in the past.
So, how do you get more and more of this infinite, fungible, made up thing that we’ve put so much energy into?
Is it by constantly putting your attention on how you can save as much as possible with the hopes of earning money on your money on your money and one day having enough?!
NO, that’s exactly what got us into this predicament we are collectively in right now.
Now is the moment for us to get into right relationship with our resources, individually and collectively.
Remember: people get wealthy every time the economy changes. Most don’t. But some do. And, you can absolutely be part of the group of people who do.
Economic changes have the impact of sorting the wheat from the chaff … filtering out those who have been skating, coasting, riding the waves of ease and those who are working smarter, not harder, in true service, making a real difference and making smarter investments rather than trying to get rich quick and profit off of a broken system.
If you want to be in position to get truly wealthy during this next big economic shift, you’re in the right place.
I’m going to help you do that, eyes wide open style.
Yes, you may need to change your ideas of what true wealth is — don’t worry, I’ll be helping you do just that.
And, yes, you are likely going to have to operate very differently than you have in the past.
I’m here for it. I’ve invested the past 12 years preparing for this exact moment, so I could support you through it.
You aren’t alone. I’ve got your back. We’re going to thrive together.
Eyes Wide Open …